I have never been someone that's had loads of confidence either in school or out of school. Around my friends or family I was fine but with people I didn't know so well I could barely splutter out a sentence to them. Being very shy as well didn't help one bit, even now I hate being the center of attention just putting my hand up in class is something I don't like doing but I have to do.
Over the years I have gained confidence and tried to be less shy by doing little things like offering to read out loud in class, speaking or performing in front of a crowd of people and many more things. And everyone of them has taken me that one step further to being more confident and coming out of my shell a bit more.
Being confident in yourself and how you look is a whole different thing, you get judged daily about how you look or what your wearing. I admire people that hold their head up high and are fully confident in them selves and don't care about what other people think. But unfortunately I know I will never be that person because deep down somewhere I will always care what other people think about me and I am not proud of it but its something that just can't be helped. Please be confident in yourself because you are beautiful in every unique and wonderful way.
"Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are."
Ella x