Before Christmas I went shopping and purchased my first ever shower cream from Lush. I was originally planning to buy either Snow Fairy or The Comforter but the Snow Fairy was only in Lush for Christmas unfortunately and The Comforter although everyone loves this particular shower cream from Lush I didn't really like the scent in the shop.
First off in the Prince Charming Shower Cream the main ingredients are pomegranate juice, marshmallow root, vanilla pod infusion and organic cocoa butter. I think these make an amazing mix except I feel like you don't smell the vanilla much but it still smells great because of the lovely scent of the pomegranate and marshmallow. Also because of the cocoa butter in the shower cream it makes your skin feel incredibly smooth. If you are looking to buy a shower cream from Lush anytime soon I would definitely recommend this one.
I love this shower cream and I will definitely going back to Lush soon and hopefully trying out some more of their shower gel/creams. I have my eye on the Yuzu and Cocoa shower cream from Lush as I smelt that one in store and it smelled amazing.
What is your favourite thing from Lush?