Sunday, 8 March 2015

Getting Over Someone

Recently I asked what you wanted my next post to be and Ella said an advice post, so I asked on my instagram what advice would you want and someone said 'how to get over someone and how to deal with seeing them with the person that split you up'. If you follow some of this advice hopefully it will hurt a lot less.

Let it out, be sad
After you have broken up with someone you might of loved the best thing to do is let out your feelings to maybe one of your friends, parents or maybe even right it down in a diary. This will let you release all the emotions, don't bottle them up cry or scream if you have to just find away to try and clear your mind.

Leave your ex alone
You might feel the urge to call or text but don't this will just remind you of what happened, just steer clear of them and it will be better for the both of you.

Keep yourself busy
Don't sit moping around all day it will do you no good! Have a trip out, go out with your friends or family or just do something you like. If it makes you happy do it!

Treat yourself
Go out and buy yourself to a new bag, clothes or anything else just treat yourself it will make you feel better, try and cheer yourself up.

Surround yourself with good things
Try not to think about all the bad stuff that has happened just steer clear of the bad and surround yourself with good things whether this is your friends or family maybe even read some inspirational quotes!

Breakups are a terrible thing and can make you feel miserable but in the end whoever made you that miserable is definitely not worth your time. Don't worry there will be someone out there who will love you forever :) I hope this helps you through any hard times.

'Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy'

Ella x

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