Saturday, 12 December 2015

'Tis The Season To Be Jolly

Can you believe it is less then two weeks until Christmas?! Our decorations are all up and the tree is twinkling as I write this. All of this week I have been taking photos of all the festive things up and around my house to show you. I have especially been loving my tree in my bedroom this year which I have decorated in gold and pink with the cutest wooden star on top. I have gathered a selection of photos (above) to show you what I have put up to look and feel more festive at home and maybe to give you some ideas as well. I am also going to just tell you a few things I like to do before Christmas.

One of my favourite things to do around/before Christmas is ice skating, its such a lovely thing to do with a group of friends, I have always wanted to go to the outdoor ice skating in London as it looks so beautiful! Another easy thing to do is Secret Santa, you could do this with a group of friends or family members, either or it is a nice thing to get excited for in the lead up to Christmas.

I have also decided that because I didn't do Blogmas this year (I will definitely be doing it next year!) for the last two weeks before Christmas I will be posting every Saturday and Wednesday so make sure to look out for those posts!

What do you like to do in the run up to Christmas?


  1. Oh my goodness that is absolutely amazing! Your photographs are so cute!
    Ahhh I'm read for christmas!
    Lovely post!
    Hannah Rae xx

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it xx

  2. Love your photos, and the snow on your blog is AMAZING oh my gosh!!! xxxx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky
