Saturday, 14 February 2015

Photography: Editing

Many of you ask me on my instagram how I edit my photos, so I decided I would give you some tips on making your photos look brighter and more vibrant. I will go through what I do to edit each of my photos but you might have to change this to suit your own.

Brightness: I always turn the brightness up on all of my photos, usually  I find it makes my photos a lot clearer and more colourful. But be careful because there is a borderline between bright and too bright!

Shadows: This is the amount of darkness is in the picture you can turn this down to make the colours more defined and deep. I don't use this all the time because sometimes its nicer to have a lighter picture.

Saturation: I use this a lot because by turning this up it makes the colours brighter, more colourful and makes it stand out. Definitely use this if you have something like a tartan scarf to make the colours stand out.

Angle Editor: This is used to adjust the angle of your photo to your liking, I have only recently found this out but I think its a great tool to mess around with and find a new side of a photo.

I hope this helps you to understand more on how to edit your photos. To edit my photos I use an app called 'Aviary' which I have been using for ages now and nothing else I have tried has been as good.

Do you have any tips for editing?

Ella x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post! Super helpful things to keep in mind! Lovely blog by the way!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad it helped :)
