Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Liebster Award

Well this wasn't what I had planned for today but I got nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Ivy, thank you very much! For those of you who don't know what I am on about the Liebster Award is an award to help promote and grow blogs.

The Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Answer the nominated questions
- Nominate 11 more blogs
- Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
- Notify the nominees via social media/blogs

My Questions

If you had a thousand pounds to spend on either makeup or clothes which would you choose?
This is a hard one but clothes because there is so many different clothes I would love to buy!

Where is your happy place?
At night in my bedroom because I can forget all the stuff that's happened and watch YouTube videos.

Favourite nail polishes?
Barry M or Essie.

Is there anything you dislike about blogging?
No, so far I have loved every second of it.

Favourite lip balm/treatment?
Eos are definitely my favourite for my lips.

Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?
I don't have Twitter or Facebook but Instagram definitely, I have had it for about a year and I love it.

Who inspires you?
Lots of people do but Zoella has inspired me to blog and do many things I never would have before.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time?
Hopefully travelling the world.

If you could have dinner with 3 celebrities who would they be?
Zoella, Ed Sheeran and Anne Hathaway.

Favourite high street store?
New Look definitely.

I Nominate...
Ella's Delights
Hannah Rose
Tartan Teacup
Perks Of Being Milly
Floralgxrl Blogs
All About That Rhi
Make-up and All
Katherine Elizabeth Jessica
Georgia Louise
The Joys Of Being Paige
Kristina Gracex

My Questions
If you could be a YouTuber for a day who would you be ?
What is your favourite makeup brand?
Favourite shop?
Who inspires you the most?
Why did you start your blog?
What is your dream career?
What is your favourite book and why?
Favourite female and male celebrity?
Favourite subject at school?
Favourite item of makeup?
Where is the best place you have ever visited?

I hope you enjoyed this post and to everyone I tagged I hope you like writing the post yourself!

Ella x

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