Saturday 12 March 2016

Letting Go Of Negativity

As you can probably see already by the title is this is a different type of post from what I usually do, I have been sat on my computer for a while trying to figure out how to write this but I think I have got it now. Recently something has been bothering me with a friend and has caused me and quite a few other people some bother, it has surprised me how much one little thing has annoyed me and I haven't quite been able to shake it for a while.

I won't go into detail as that would be unfair on the person and also a little personal on my side but this one stupid thing has kind of weighed me down. Then a really good friend of mine told me 'if you know its not true then why do you let it get to you?' and that made me realise how I need to let it go if I ever want to stop worrying about it because its not my problem its theirs. So now my goal for this month is to start trying to let go of negativity and focus on all the good people and things in my life.

I know this topic hasn't exactly been very joyful and this post may come off a bit corny. But it is something I am so glad I got off my chest and wrote down, finally deciding to let go of this problem has really helped and I encourage you all to do the same if you are in a similar situation. If you have any thoughts, similar situations or even any more advice to let go of negativity please leave a comment as not only would it help me it could help anyone that reads my blog.

'Just because someone puts you down doesn't mean what they say is true, it only proves that you're better than them and their negativity'


  1. I find I let negativity get to me too much as well, it's definitely something I need to work on as well. x


  2. I'm sorry you're going through this at the moment. There's a saying my Dad shared with me once that I adore -
    "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."
    Basically, those who show negativity towards you and judge you do not matter, however those who don't mind and accept you for who you are the people that do.
    I hope you get over this hurdle soon, I promise you it will end, or at least get a little easier!

    Lauren | Pretty Things & Polka Dots

    1. That saying is lovely and I will definitely keep that in mind especially at the moment. Thank you so much xx

  3. Aw sorry to hear you was experiencing negativity like this! I think it's commendable and amazing of you to push away the negative and surround yourself with positive people. I wish I could do the same, I have a group of friends that constantly put me down and make me feel shite tbh, but because I've grown up with them I don't want to loose them for good ya no? Ahh the struggles. I've met some lovely people at uni recently tho and they bring me so much happiness and positivity! I hope you find the same and continue to be happy xxxx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. That sounds horrible and I am also in the exact same situation as you but except with the one friend that I have been friends with for ages and feel like I don't want to loose that. But in the end I feel it's better to let that go and I am so happy to hear that you have now met some amazing people that bring you happiness xx
